Monday, September 13, 2010


Ahh. Monday. When I say "ahh" I really mean "ack it's Monday". We had a good weekend though. Friday night Tim took the kids to a high school football game. Saturday we worked around the house (very little) and ran errands in the afternoon. Sunday morning I let Tim take the kids to religious education then Target and then to the Y to play volleyball. How could it not be a great weekend?!!? I was sans kids for a good 40% of it.

Lately it's like living with triplets. Sure Maya and Eva are 13 and Isaac is only 7 but together they all equal "some-teen". Living with triplets who are "some-teen" is like living with the Bickersons. It's gotten to the point where the thought of getting in a confined space like the van with all of them makes a bead of sweat appear on my upper lip. It reminds me of the dog when she gets in the car, she gets nervous and she drools and starts licking her chops. I should just leave a sweat towel in the car for both of us.

Tim and I often pretend we are closing the invisible sound proof shield between the front and the back of the van. It doesn't work. Yelling over and over that you can't punch buggy someone on any car you want (ok, I might have started that one) gets really old after a while.

I hear the ages 13 to 16 are the hardest of the teen years. But what if one of them is seven? How does that work? I need a light at the end of this tunnel. Some-teen could go on forever. Ack.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cleanliness, Godliness or PMS?

I decided this morning that I would get some cleaning done at home. I usually try to leave some basic things for the kids to do on Saturdays so they can earn their allowance and I can pretend like I'm not the maid, but I'm too fed up with it all. I just want it clean, minus the arguments, griping, and the foot stomping joy of attempting to raise well adjusted children.

I tell myself before I begin anything that I will not, I repeat NOT (and I totally almost mean it) clean the kids' rooms. First of all I could spend all day cleaning two bedrooms and second that would be my whole day. (That second one may sound a lot like the first. It is.)

They just cleaned this room 6 days ago. SIX DAYS AGO IT WAS CLEAN. It's the dressers completely covered in stuff that drive me crazy. Half of it is trash and half of it looks like trash. So maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe expecting to be able to see the tops of dressers that belong to two 13 year old girls is just asking too much. Maybe I have PMS. ( Ok, skip the maybe, but really, isn't that completely beside the point?)

So I may get some grief about posting a photo of their room on my blog. I've already got my pithy little comment prepared. Something like "Well, when I'm living in your house and I don't clean up my mess then you can take a picture of it and post it on your blog." HAH! I was pretty freaking satisfied when I thought that one up! And ahead of time too. But then I envisioned myself old and feeble with no bladder control, living with one of them.

I'm going to have to sock more away for the old people's home.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Start of School

This year the beginning of school has felt more like a tactical mission in military defense than the back to school tradition of educating three young minds. It's been 3+ weeks since school began and everyday (even on the weekends) I have hoped for a pair of those bullet deflecting gold cuffs that Wonder Woman used to fend off her evil nemeses so that I too may ward off evil ... things. Imagining myself in gold cuffs and a flying eagle bustier has done nothing to help in dealing with our many (mis)adventures(nor has it particularly helped with my body image since I know I can't fill out Linda Carter's wings), but maybe venting will. So here's the short list. I'm just using single words right now to get it all out. Maybe someday I'll expound upon them a little:

broken arm
volleyball tryouts
(unfortunately the above are in chronological order)
pay-to-play sports
air conditioner
money, money, money (I know, I cheated)
insurance donut
missed school
missed homework
teacher conference
damn insurance donut