Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 2

Sometimes life just isn't fair. Ironically this is something I'm always telling my middle child Eva who is yet again, home sick today. I'm sure she thinks this day is perfectly fair because to her the whole concept of education, school and learning is completely biased AGAINST children. Today because she is home (for yes, just the second day) my life is unfair. So, so UNFAIR.

It was just Tuesday that I finally sent all three of my children back to school after Christmas break. I had one, solo, single day of peace. Uno pequito dayo. (My spanish is a little rusty.) I'm ready for the next one.

I am going to do something that is WAY out of character for me I'm going to attempt cheeriness or rather I'm going to fake cheeriness. (It's not like you can tell the difference from my typing.) I am going to bless us all with a little pick me up. I might even make this a regular feature here at Blogginwoman. Maybe I'll do it every Monday and call it "Musical Mondays" or "Not So Manic Depressed Monday" or something like that.

Here's a crazy idea. Send me a comment and let me know what YOU think. And no email. Sign up and comment damn it. I know you're out there reading this. If you comment then I'll feel like I'm not just talking to myself. Although I'll still talk to myself too. How about Musically Manic Mondays? I know you have an opinion.

So here's my treat to you. Crank up the sound baby. Let those bell bottoms take you back to the 70's (if you really want to go there) then close your eyes (cause the Bellamy Brothers are not really a visual treat) and just sit back and let the love flow....

This one's for you Bobbie - hope you feel better soon!


mamalou said...

There's a la la la! (I'm smiling)
Thanks for the pick me up
Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm lovin' it! Hope Eva gets well very soon (for everyone's sake!) Talk to you soon- Jill

Susan Marie said...

Ahhhh, it's Friday... not so good for u and the little ones, but wonderful for Tom (who's feeling pretty miserable too)and I. I'm sure Eva will feel great in time for the weekend. right? of course.
my sympathies


Robin said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww, I am so touched that you dedicated your first Musical whatever you decided to call it to me:) I am feeling much better after hearing that song. Thanks!